On Wednesdays, we wear pink. Okay, okay – so not every Wednesday we wear pink, but our Rose Gold and Pink products do stand out every day. This Tuesday, June 23rd is National Pink Day and here at mDesign, we like to honor this holiday to the max. We offer everything from bathroom to kitchen storage solutions and everything in between in your favorite color, PINK! Here are our top pink items to add to your collection.
Whether you are celebrating this holiday by wearing something pink, decorating your home, or just watching your favorite movie Mean Girls, we can all appreciate this wonderful color!
Laura Sirk is a Marketing Manager at mDesign and loves all things organization and cats. I’m one cat away from being a cat lady. MEOW!
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Posted: Jun 23, 2020
Update your style with these fun rolling cart ideas. The possibilities are endless. While there are millions of things you...