We have all been there, our pants are just a little bit tighter than we last wore and we must do lunges and squats to get them over our hips. We say to ourselves that it MUST be the washer/dryer playing this evil trick on us or it could be the late-night snacking you have done since you got to college. No, it’s because you threw them in the dryer!
The urban dictionary defines freshman 15 as “the phenomenon to put on 15 pounds in your freshman year.”
Since when did the most exciting times in our lives become worrying about packing on a few extra pounds? I remember everyone telling me the summer before I left for college to “make sure you exercise, eat right, blah blah blah.” It was all anybody would bring up to me besides “Do you know your roommate?” This should be the last thing on your mind but alas, it sticks there in the back of your mind with every sugary drink, every party and every dormmate asking you to go with them to grab a snack. A little trick I learned was to keep all my food, snacks and workout gear organized in convenient locations. Doing so eliminated any excuses for not eating healthy and exercising.
The good news is, this isn’t a death sentence and with a few easy steps, you can avoid the freshman 15 and still have a blast in college!
1 Eating on the go? These easy storage solutions have separate compartments to keep all your snacks readily available. Plus, the handle makes it easy to pick up and take with you to other dorms.
2 Buying fresh fruit is always tough in dorm life, but with these air-tight storage bins, not only will it last longer, you’ll be asking all your friends over to show off your fresh fruits.
3 Create snack stations throughout your room that are easy and organized. With these modern containers, you’ll want to keep these fully stocked! mDESIGN TIP: these come with labels so it’s easy to put them on and create calm!
4 Running from class to class can be a drain on your energy. Create your own tea and coffee station, and ditch those expensive iced lattes.
5 Double use alert! Are you always forgetting where you put everything? Do people say, “you would lose your head if it wasn’t attached?” Well, we have the solution for you! Use this container to put snacks, your workout accessories and clothes to make it a one-stop shop.
6 Squeeze in extra steps and keep your go-to workout gear neat and tidy. This divided box is great for hair ties, fitness trackers, bandages or anything else organized and handy.
7 Water, water everywhere. Drink water all day long with these handy compact water bottle holders. mDESIGN TIP: add fruit to your water for extra flavor and get rid of that blahness.
8 Add extra shelf space on top of your mini fridge. Maximizing storage in dorm life is always challenging. Add space on top of your mini fridge, counter or put them in your closet to create extra shelves.
9 Still needing extra storage? This over the door cabinet storage is a must have and can hold anything from baggies to cereal, to your workout gear. It conveniently fits over your cabinets and doors. The possibilities are endless.
Laura Sirk is a Marketing Manager at mDesign and loves all things organization and cats. I’m one cat away from being a cat lady. MEOW!
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Posted: Jul 12, 2019
Update your style with these fun rolling cart ideas. The possibilities are endless. While there are millions of things you...